Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Avoid perfectionism

Hope! Hope! Hope! As a citizen of the 21st century, we are faced with high demands and higher expectations. Media sending endless messages that teach us how to behave, eat, and dress. Expectations from the media it's almost impossible to reach - but God did not. God does not expect perfection ... and we should not either.

The difference between perfection and unrealistic expectations is the difference between a life of frustration and quiet life. Only God can perfectly, and we all were below standard and need to accept our limitations as we accept the limitations of others.

If you or your spouse shackled by perfectionism, it's time we ask ourselves what we want to highlight and to whom? If you try to make your friends admire or try to imitate Hollywood celebrity appearances, it's time you reconsider your priorities. The first responsibility is to God who created us. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of our families and couples. But if it involves unrealistic expectations from the environment, forget it!

It is time we accept ourselves and our mates. When we do this, we will feel a very heavy burden lifted from his shoulders. In the end, please God just simply obey His commandments. But to please everyone? That's impossible. Matthew Henry said, "We will not find a perfect man, until we have a perfect world." While James Dobson wrote, "The happiest people in this world is not people who do not have a problem, but people who learn to accept things that are not perfect."

~ Accept imperfections themselves. If we are caught up in modern life that leads to perfection, grow up ... Do not burden yourself by unreasonable expectations.
Do not be too hard on yourself. You do not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

Repost from: Kisah-kisah Inspiratif.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Quotes Today!

Let this day know you were here. Have an impact. Make a difference. Express yourself and the purpose which drives you. Build and create, love, laugh, learn, share and console. Add your own special joy, your own unique perspective, your own dreams, thoughts, ideas and positive influences to this day. It is here. It is now. It is your grand opportunity to live on a scale as large as your possibilities. Make it unforgettable, starting right now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just Some Lazyness!

Hari ini tepat dua hari setelah blog ini ku publish.
Ga ada perkembangan. Isinya masih kosong tak terjamah. Seperti pulau tak bertuan, tak ada apa-apa.
Entah, sejak menginjak bangku kuliah, memang semangat nulis yg saya punya sudah semakin menipis.
Bukan apa, bahkan saat masih berseragam putih biru, dua buku berisi cerita pendek berhasil ku telurkan dengan menggunakan mesin ketik manual dan bahkan tulis tangan.
Tak kalah ketika kelas 6 SD, 6 cerita komik yg berhasil saya bundel dalam bentuk mini book berhasil ku gambar dengan polos.
Tapi sekarang?
ketika semuanya serba mudah dan instan, saya malah menjadi dangkal. Tak ada niat menulis, apalagi mencoret2 pensil dan membentuknya menjadi sketsa karakter untuk komik.
Malas rasanya, sangat malas. Ga ada ide, kretivitas memudar.
Ya sudahlah, semuanya masa lalu, padahal kalo mau dipikir2, jaman dulu bahkan menemukan pensil warna untuk membuat komik agak susah, ya? Sekarang ada beragam aplikasi yang bisa mempermudah membuatnya.
Tapi kenapa malah berbanding terbalik ya?
Pikiran mungkin sudah lain.
Tak lagi seperti dulu.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Was Born

Meski bukan blog pertama, senang bisa di sini.
(tanpa bermaksud bilang kalo akun2 blog gw lupa nama apalagi passwordnya. hahaa)